Air Cargo Advanced Screening (ACAS)

ACAS (Air Cargo Advance Screening) project is a joint effort between Customs & Border Protection (CBP) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to screen air cargo shipments inbounds to the United States in order to further reduce the risk of terrorist attacks and raise air cargo supply chain security. ACAS allows CBP and TSA to receive advance security filing cargo data for shipments that might be high risk and require additional physical screening under the appropriate regulatory framework and protocols well ahead of flight departure.

E-Freight New Development Projects.

ACAS Information

ACAS Dates

• CBP/TSA notice on April 23, 2013

• Pilot program will end on October 26, 2013

ACAS Filing Key Points

• CBP/TSA does not currently intend to establish a specific data submission timeline, the sooner data are submitted to ACAS, the sooner screening or Do Not Load (DNL) determinations can be communicated to industry stakeholders, thereby minimizing the impact to operations.

• No penalties will be issued in ACAS; however, three type of Do Not Load (DNL) messages will be sent to air cargo forwarders.

• For consolidated air cargo shipment, if one HAWB receives a “Do Not Load” message, it will affect the other HAWBs under the same MAWB if the HOLD status is not resolved before airline cutoff time.

ACAS Filing Data Elements

These ACAS data elements are a subset of the data required by the Trade Act of 2002:

• HAWB Number

• Shipper name and address

• Consignee name and address

• Cargo description

• Piece count

• Weight

ACAS Filing Preparation

• Air cargo forwarders be aware the coming ACAS regulations for data submission.

• Analyze the impact of three type of DNL (Do Not Load) holding messages on air export operation
  –  6H - Do Not Load Hold
  –  7H - Selectee Data issue Hold
  –  8H - Selectee Screening (or Verification) Required Hold

• Internal system preparation for ACAS Filing
  –  How to reduce man-made errors in ACAS security filing data?
  –  How to submit data from internal B/L system and reduce double entry work?
  –  Impact analysis of Hold Status procedure

• Employee
  –  Employee awareness of the new ACAS requirement
  –  Filing ACAS data timely and effectively can reduce chances of receiving DNL messages

ACAS Pilot Program